Bringing Back Prudence
Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Please join us for one or all of these sessions, 11:30am in the Lounge. Childcare provided. You'll find a preview of the course content here. October 1: “On Being a Moral Person” Rev. Dr. Abigail [...]
Rev. Jeffrey Vamos
Jeffrey Vamos
Sermon Series: Doing Right, Being Good Beginning September 17 Dr. Vamos will be beginning a new sermon series on September 17. How do we think about moral decisions? Is reason or emotion more important? Should [...]
Alex Wimberly
Jeanne Aicher – member since 1977 Jeanne moved to Lawrenceville in 1976 after she married lifelong Lawrenceville resident and longtime PCOL member, Rick Aicher. She grew up in a Lutheran church, but found that this [...]
You’ve been hearing about our Autism ministry, in partnership with Eden Autism Services, to employ our Assistant Custodian. We deeply appreciate the congregation’s generosity, and in fact depend upon it to continue this employment arrangement. [...]
Greetings! This is a page for Table Leaders and other volunteers for our April 30 ReConnect Sunday. Your main job as a Table Leader is to welcome everyone, and make sure everyone feels at home [...]
Exploring Membership Class 2 preparation: Greetings! This goes out to all in our Welcome Circle - and to all those now participating in our current Exploring Membership cycle. For those of you who weren’t able [...]
Rev. Jeffrey Vamos
Rev. Jeffrey Vamos
Rev. Jeffrey Vamos
Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos
Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos
What do we mean by “Grow 1%?” The Pastors and Leaders of PCOL are challenging our congregation to consider giving an additional one percent of their total income next year. It’s important to understand that [...]