Caring Ministries
Caring ministries are central to us and are grounded in the church’s affirmation that we belong to God and to one another.
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If you’ve ever been greeted leaving worship with a smile and a handshake, enjoyed a hot cup of coffee and a bagel during fellowship time, requested prayer, received a bouquet of carnations or a friendly visit, or appreciated a card of encouragement or meal from the church—chances are, you’ve encountered a deacon. Deacons are servants who provide a ministry of love, caring, compassion and prayer following the example of Jesus Christ. We are a joyful board of 24 members who support our congregation and one another through life’s ups and downs.
Need support or curious about what we’re up to? Contact a current deacon. Click here for a list.
On Sundays when we celebrate communion in morning worship, deacons and elders are available to share the sacrament of communion with members in their home. We visit after worship in teams of two for about a half hour. This is a meaningful time for those who serve and those who are served. Contact the church office or call us at 609-896-1212 to find out when the next communion date is and to request a visit.
“Prayer is the chief exercise of faith…. Prayer does not change things. God changes things in answer to prayer.”
– John Calvin
At The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville, we view prayer as “the chief exercise of faith.” We pray for one another, we listen to one another, we bear one another’s burdens. To request prayer for oneself or others, there are three ways that you can do that:
- Submit a written prayer request on Sunday during worship. Prayers are lifted up after the service by the prayer team of deacons and friends.
- Email or call the church with your prayer request, and it will be forwarded to the appropriate persons working with the prayer ministry.

You can also submit a prayer on our Prayer Page (click the button below), by making a comment in the response area at the bottom. Please note that these prayers are visible to the public.
Spirituality and Mental Wellness Group, April 5
Spirituality and Mental Wellness Group This is a no-cost, no-commitment spirituality group that meets [...]
Exploring Membership Brunch
Exploring Membership Brunch Saturday, November 2, 9–11am in the Lounge If you are a [...]
Advent Stars | God with us
O Come, O Come Emmanuel This Advent season we are reflecting on the many [...]