“Is Racism Something We Can Solve?”
Adult Education - January 19, 2025 - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend PCOL Lounge, after worship (around 11:15 am) We are honored to welcome Rev. M. William Howard, Jr., helping us consider the [...]
Adult Education - January 19, 2025 - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend PCOL Lounge, after worship (around 11:15 am) We are honored to welcome Rev. M. William Howard, Jr., helping us consider the [...]
Women of the Word January 7 and 21 Women of the Word (WoW) will meet on January 7 and January 21 from 1:30–2:30pm in Room 106 and also from 7:30–8:30pm on Zoom. Join us [...]
Adult Education: Art and Faith November 3 & 10 The Adult Education Committee invites you to a two-part series led by Rev. Jeff Vamos, Kim Moulder, and Lee Garwig on faith and art through [...]
A Blazing Hearth in the Soul An excursion to explore the painting of Vincent Van Gogh and the Impressionists Barnes Foundation Outing Saturday, November 9 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM (Meet at the [...]
During our fall 2024 generosity season, we're publishing a weekly devotional that contains reflections and suggested spiritual practices on the theme "Sharing Our Bread." You can find archived devotionals below, or contact the office [...]
Help us Help People Register to Vote! The Peace & Justice Committee has been participating in voter registration, education, and encouragement. Our member Rickey Gray has been leading us in participating with the League [...]
How we treat those in the minority is a measure of the quality of our church, our community, our nation. Join us for worship, as Jeff Vamos explores a familiar scripture: the story of [...]
Dante's Divine Comedy in Biblical Perspective with the Rev. Dr. Gordon Mikoski and the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos Via Zoom 6:30-8:00 PM Sundays in Lent February 18-March 24 Go to hell and back with [...]
2024 Men's Retreat: Being Well Attending to Wellness Body, Mind and Spirit With Sam Morrison, Will Abbott and Jeff Vamos Friday March 8-Saturday March 9 at the Watershed Institute Register Below We have [...]
O Come, O Come Emmanuel This Advent season we are reflecting on the many ways we experience God's presence among us as individuals, as families, and as a church. You are invited to pick [...]
Teens & Mental Health How Do We Support Our Youth? PCOL, a caring and covenantal church community, has become aware of the uptick in mental health symptoms in our youth over the last several [...]
A frolic is an opportunity for fellowship, socialization, and–in some cases–a very unique experience. Frolics are hosted by members of our community for our community. In anticipation of decreased building use while we are under [...]
The Protestant Reformation was a transformative historical event that reshaped the religious, political, and cultural landscape of Europe forever. Its legacy is the breaking apart of Christendom in the West into a variety [...]
Is That In the Bible? A Five-Part Sermon and Bible Study Series Beginning May 25 Have you ever heard or said a phrase, SURE that it was in the Bible somewhere? This five-part "power [...]
Myths, Realities, and Current Trends in College Admissions April 23 @11:15am, in the Lounge The college admissions process generates a lot of headlines and chatter these days. If you have a child or grandchild [...]
The deed establishing the founding of the Presbyterian Church of Maidenhead (the original name of the church) is dated March 18, 1698. Join us on the upcoming Sunday closest to that date for a [...]
“Meeting Jesus at the Table” February 26 - March 26, in the Lounge after Worship The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus sharing meals with disciples, friends, even tax collectors and Pharisees. Whether [...]
“Jesus Revealed: The I Am Statements in the Gospel of John" Online classes will be offered via Zoom on Tuesdays at 7pm and Thursdays at 12pm (your choice), from February 21 - March 30. [...]