The Upside of the Dark Side (Sermon Seven)
Aristotle was a philosopher who wrote a lot about happiness - which he often describes as living a virtuous life. But virtue is often the middle point between two extremes. So for example, courage [...]
Aristotle was a philosopher who wrote a lot about happiness - which he often describes as living a virtuous life. But virtue is often the middle point between two extremes. So for example, courage [...]
There's a story––one of many––in which people begin to crowd around Jesus. In this particular story, these people are parents who are bringing their children to Jesus so that he might bless them. The [...]
Can we live a happy and flourishing life if we're not living a virtuous life? What is virtue from a Christian perspective, and how do we develop it? In this fifth sermon in the [...]
As Christians, the need to practice forgiveness could not be more clear in Scripture. But what exactly is forgiveness? We know forgiveness when we feel it, but defining itis often much more difficult. Does [...]
The standard disclaimer for various mutual fund advertisements: "Past performance does not guarantee future results." But spiritually--and psychologically--our past experiences are highly determinative of our future ones; they condition our choices. In this sermon, [...]
Sermon two in the series, "Living Abundantly: Christian Practices for Cultivating the Flourishing Life" Important note: Before listening to this sermon, you are encouraged to watch this video, which is about selective attention. It will [...]
Sermon one in the series, "Living Abundantly: Christian Practices for Cultivating the Flourishing Life" Can Christian faith make us happy? Can you even pursue happiness? Or does happiness have to happen? In this introductory sermon to [...]
Soren Kierkegaard once wrote, "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." Is Christian faith more about solving the problem of sin, or the adventure of living [...]
How easy is it for our resentment to solidify into self-righteousness and the desire to even the scales? Dr. Vamos explores a story about a woman who was insulted, by none other than Jesus, [...]
"Stick and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me..." We've all heard the old nursery rhyme, but it really isn't true, is it? Words, and the ways in which we [...]
According to the author of Colossians, we are to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. These are tough traits to put into practice, let alone live out. But notice, we are told [...]
Fear is a biological barometer in our lives. It warns us when we are in danger. But what happens when fear takes over? When does fear overtake you? How does our fear hinder our [...]
Jesus said: "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." But, what does that mean!? Jesus is getting at something [...]
Paul's preaching of the gospel was having an impact on the ancient city of Ephesus in Asia Minor, known for worship of the goddess Artemis, and her great temple. But Christianity was bad for [...]
A load-bearing wall is integral to the structure of a home. The problem is, in our effort to create open space in our homes, load-bearing walls become dividing walls. This is true in our [...]
Where are the wise..? Have you ever turned on (or off, for that matter) the TV and wondered that? This is the question which the apostle Paul and the teacher of Ecclesiastes ask, only [...]
What is your superpower? What if the power we receive as Christians is our embrace of weakness? A Sermon Preached by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos on Sunday, July 10th. 2 Corinthians 12:2-10. [...]
A sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, July 1, 2018.