Haiti Task Force Update
In January, it will be 11 years since the devastating earthquake in Haiti. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the town of Leogane, where Pastor Luc has one of his schools/churches. Those buildings were destroyed. Since the earthquake, the people have been worshipping and going to school under tents and temporary structures.
Pastor Luc was very happy to report recently that they finally have started digging the foundation for the new Leogane church and school! He has purchased three tons of steel rebar and hired the local mason in Leogane to do the work. Our consortium partners at Pinnacle Presbyterian Church had sent him some funds for rebuilding several years ago, which has allowed him to get started. Much of the delay was due to the safety of traveling to Leogane. Pinnacle has “a substantial amount of money held in a restricted account” for Leogane, and, as you may know, we, at PCOL, have earmarked part of the capital campaign toward the Leogane project.

Clinic in Leogane Haiti
Pastor Luc also reported that all the schools and churches are open. People are advised to continue COVID protocols, but the virus doesn’t seem to be as widespread as it is in the USA. The biggest problem is the gang activity, which he said is completely out of control. Everyone is afraid to be out; attendance at worship and other activities are down. Because of the violence and kidnappings, Ronide most likely will not travel to Haiti for Christmas; it is just too dangerous.
Please keep Pastor Luc, his family and all the Haitian people in your prayers.

Leogane pre-earthquake