Ash Wednesday Lenten Prompts
For those of you who participated in our Ash Wednesday service, you can download a copy of the wilderness prompts from the various stations below.
How to use the Wilderness elements at home:
- You will need a vase.
- Pour a couple inches of sand in the vase––enough to hold your branches in place––and place your branches in the sand.
- Place your stones in the vase around the branches.
- Finally, place the moss on top of the stones. *(The branches should stick out of the vase.)
- As you place each element in the vase, do it intentionally and slowly, reflecting as you go. Use the prompts to help guide your reflection.
- If you are creating your wilderness display as a family, consider sharing your reflections with one another as you put each element in place.
- Set your wilderness display in a prominent place in your home where you will see it as a reminder of your journey through the wilderness this Lent.