
Kids’ Basketball with the YMCA – in Fellowship Center

2024-03-21T17:13:05-04:00February 17th, 2023|Community Well, Highlighted, Uncategorized, Youth and Young Adult|

Kids’ Basketball with the YMCA Registration for Late Winter Session is Still Open!  Classes run through March 25 in the Fellowship Center. You can still join our popular Kids Basketball program with the Capital [...]

Lenten Bible Study: “Meeting Jesus at the Table”

2023-01-12T15:12:39-05:00January 11th, 2023|Adult Education, Church, Uncategorized|

“Meeting Jesus at the Table” February 26 - March 26, in the Lounge after Worship The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus sharing meals with disciples, friends, even tax collectors and Pharisees.  Whether [...]

Men’s Retreat 2023 – Register Now!

2023-01-08T08:54:44-05:00January 6th, 2023|Adult Education, Fellowship, Highlighted, Men's Ministry|

We’re back! Join us for a relaxing and meaningful weekend of fun and fellowship at Camp Johnsonburg and Retreat Center. This year’s theme is, "The Chief End of Humanity: Rethinking Vocation and Calling." Regardless [...]

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