Volunteer with WorkWell
WorkWell only works because of our volunteers, who are partners with our participants as they seek to forge ahead with their lives. Volunteering to help one of our participants, and also to learn something [...]
WorkWell only works because of our volunteers, who are partners with our participants as they seek to forge ahead with their lives. Volunteering to help one of our participants, and also to learn something [...]
Sermon by Margaret Brungard, March 5, 2023 Watch the video
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, February 26, 2023 Watch the video An interesting companion piece to read with this sermon: NY Times Guest Opinion, "The Wages of Idolatry."
How are we doing with our giving? Our congregation pledged a total of $575,819 thus far for our 2023 ministry—that is up $21,701 from 2022. Great news! As you can see from the charts [...]
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, January 19, 2023 Watch the video
Kids’ Basketball with the YMCA Registration for Late Winter Session is Still Open! Classes run through March 25 in the Fellowship Center. You can still join our popular Kids Basketball program with the Capital [...]
Sermon by Rev. Kyle Anderson, February 12, 2023 Watch the video
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, February 5, 2023 Watch the video
Peace and Justice Movie Matinee – Freedom Riders – February 18 From 3 – 5pm in the Lounge, admission is free This month's Peace and Justice Movie Matinee will be on Saturday, February 18 [...]
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, January 29, 2023 Watch the video
Pastor Luc and Ronide Deratus will be visiting Lawrenceville next weekend, February 2-6. They will join us in worship on Sunday, February 5 and will speak at a forum after worship about their ministries [...]
Axe throwing originated as a sport in the early 1800's in logging camps at the frontier of the US and Canada. Axe throwing has seen something of a renaissance among those quite far from [...]
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, January 15, 2023 Watch the video
“Meeting Jesus at the Table” February 26 - March 26, in the Lounge after Worship The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus sharing meals with disciples, friends, even tax collectors and Pharisees. Whether [...]
“Jesus Revealed: The I Am Statements in the Gospel of John" Online classes will be offered via Zoom on Tuesdays at 7pm and Thursdays at 12pm (your choice), from February 21 - March 30. [...]
Inductive learning is the method of learning about a whole phenomenon by taking a slice of a specific context. We will be looking at how the institution of slavery was part of the history [...]
Sermon by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, January 8, 2023 Watch the video
We’re back! Join us for a relaxing and meaningful weekend of fun and fellowship at Camp Johnsonburg and Retreat Center. This year’s theme is, "The Chief End of Humanity: Rethinking Vocation and Calling." Regardless [...]