Small Group Studies

Adult Education: Art and Faith

2024-11-28T00:58:05-05:00November 9th, 2024|Adult Education, Highlighted, Small Group Studies, Sunday Morning Classes|

Adult Education: Art and Faith November 3 & 10 The Adult Education Committee invites you to a two-part series led by Rev. Jeff Vamos, Kim Moulder, and Lee Garwig on faith and art through [...]

Shane Claiborne Faith and Justice Mini-Conference: November 17, 2019

2024-08-30T22:50:19-04:00October 29th, 2019|Adult Education, Bible Study, Church, Community Well, Mission, Mission & Peacemaking, News, Pastor's Blog, Peacemaking, Senior Highs, Small Group Studies, Traditional Service, Worship, Worship, Worship in a New Key, Young Adults, Youth and Young Adult|

Breaking the chains November 17, 2019, 10am - 4pm   Faith, Justice and Incarceration, with Shane Claiborne A mini-conference on faith and justice Explore what it means to put Christian faith into action with [...]

A Failure of Moral Imagination: Returning Slaves to Africa

2019-10-13T13:11:09-04:00October 2nd, 2019|Adult Education, Bible Study, Church, Community Well, Small Group Studies|

A Failure of Moral Imagination: Returning Slaves to Africa Reflections on the American Colonization Society A gathering of The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville and Shiloh Baptist Church October 13, 11:30-1:00pm Study hour and lunch The [...]

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