Women of the Word, April 1 and 15
Women of the Word April 1 and 15 Women of the Word (WoW) will meet on April 1 and 15 from 1:30–2:30pm in Room 106 and also from 7:30–8:30pm on Zoom. Join us for [...]
Women of the Word April 1 and 15 Women of the Word (WoW) will meet on April 1 and 15 from 1:30–2:30pm in Room 106 and also from 7:30–8:30pm on Zoom. Join us for [...]
Adult Education: Art and Faith November 3 & 10 The Adult Education Committee invites you to a two-part series led by Rev. Jeff Vamos, Kim Moulder, and Lee Garwig on faith and art through [...]
A Blazing Hearth in the Soul An excursion to explore the painting of Vincent Van Gogh and the Impressionists Barnes Foundation Outing Saturday, November 9 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM (Meet at the [...]
Dante's Divine Comedy in Biblical Perspective with the Rev. Dr. Gordon Mikoski and the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos Via Zoom 6:30-8:00 PM Sundays in Lent February 18-March 24 Go to hell and back with [...]
The Protestant Reformation was a transformative historical event that reshaped the religious, political, and cultural landscape of Europe forever. Its legacy is the breaking apart of Christendom in the West into a variety [...]
Is That In the Bible? A Five-Part Sermon and Bible Study Series Beginning May 25 Have you ever heard or said a phrase, SURE that it was in the Bible somewhere? This five-part "power [...]
Inductive learning is the method of learning about a whole phenomenon by taking a slice of a specific context. We will be looking at how the institution of slavery was part of the history [...]
On Friday, October 15 I, along with Prof. Gordon Mikoski and many others from Princeton Theological Seminary, will be setting out on a journey to Liberia, to participate in the Afterlives of Slavery Conference. [...]
Breaking the chains November 17, 2019, 10am - 4pm Faith, Justice and Incarceration, with Shane Claiborne A mini-conference on faith and justice Explore what it means to put Christian faith into action with [...]
A Failure of Moral Imagination: Returning Slaves to Africa Reflections on the American Colonization Society A gathering of The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville and Shiloh Baptist Church October 13, 11:30-1:00pm Study hour and lunch The [...]