It’s Youth Sunday!
This Sunday is Youth Sunday! 1 John 2:3-6 presents us all with a profound question: Is it enough to believe in God? All are invited to join us on Sunday morning as we are [...]
This Sunday is Youth Sunday! 1 John 2:3-6 presents us all with a profound question: Is it enough to believe in God? All are invited to join us on Sunday morning as we are [...]
Stop Asian Hate In the last year, acts of racism, hate, and violence toward our Asian American, Pacific Islander siblings has increased exponentially–nearly 150%. But this is not new. Members of the AAPI community [...]
Palm Sunday Protest Videos On Palm Sunday, we remember that Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem was risky. It was more than a palm parade; it was a peaceful protest. One that sought to prepare the [...]
PCOL Mission Market Shop with a cause We're starting a new online store to enable us to fundraise for our Fund for Mission. All proceeds from sales go to benefit this fund, which supports [...]
Again & Again | A Lenten Refrain Lent at PCOL In Lent, we're reminded that, again and again, suffering and brokenness find us. We doubt again, we lament again, we mess up again. Again and [...]
COVID Vaccine Resources & Info HELPFUL RESOURCES: COVID Vaccine Resources NJ COVID 19 Updates NJ Dept. of Health Mercer County Vaccine Registration & Information NJ Vaccine Call Center Mon-Fri | 8a-5p 1 [...]
Advent Social, December 6, 6:30-7:30pm Are sugarplums dancing in your heads yet? Or tunes from your favorite carols? Come one come all for a fun festive evening of sugarplum making, carol singing, angel crafting, and [...]
Sunday afternoon, November 29 Come get some great holiday photos from professional photographer Fabienne Calkins and benefit PCOL at the same time! 100 per cent of proceeds will be donated to the church. Help us [...]
Two Ways to Worship NEW: there will be two ways that you can participate in our worship livestream on Sunday mornings. Of course, you can participate on Facebook LIVE in the same way you have [...]
Please look for your stewardship packet, arriving soon! October 7, 2020 - Members and friends, please be on the lookout for your stewardship mailing for 2021, arriving in your mailbox soon. We ask all those [...]
Two Very Special Adult Ed Programs will Zoom Your Way in October Two very special presenters are featured in PCOL's Adult Education program for October, via zoom. On October 4 and 11, a distinguished professor [...]
In Case You Missed the Corporation Meeting If you missed our Annual Corporation Meeting on September 20, you'll definitely want to take time to watch these two videos. The first describes "What's Goin' On" at [...]
Returning to In Person Activities at PCOL: An Update No Indoor Services Anytime Soon, but Outdoor Gatherings are Planned As we all know, this is a [...]
Register Here Zoom information, including a link to join will be provided once you've registered.
Returning to In-Person Activities @ PCOL The task force on returning to in-person activities is seeking your input so that we can better address your needs and concerns as we craft the needed policies [...]
July 12 is our Summer Communion Sunday. All are invited to join us for worship at 10:00a this Sunday, including the celebration of the sacrament of communion. In preparation for worship, you are invited [...]
Interested in being a part of our 2020-2021 Confirmation class? While we formally invite students entering 9th grade to participate, our Confirmation program is for any high school student who has not already been [...]
Willing to donate a week or two of your vacation home? This year, our fundraising efforts will be more important than ever. Do you have a vacation home that you might be willing to [...]