Worship, Liberian Style
Yesterday was a day to acclimate and rest in the afternoon, but the main event was worship. Gordon Mikoski and I chose to attend First Presbyterian Church of Monrovia. An incredibly [...]
Yesterday was a day to acclimate and rest in the afternoon, but the main event was worship. Gordon Mikoski and I chose to attend First Presbyterian Church of Monrovia. An incredibly [...]
Arriving in Monrovia. Ruth, one of our student delegates, offering a peace sign. Yesterday, I spent the blur of hours on planes and in airports getting to know my fellow travelers and [...]
On Friday, October 15 I, along with Prof. Gordon Mikoski and many others from Princeton Theological Seminary, will be setting out on a journey to Liberia, to participate in the Afterlives of Slavery Conference. [...]
Talking about race... Friday, June 26 at 1pm via Zoom. A panel discussion and conversation with Jametta Clarke, Vivian Harmon, and Fred Vereen, who are all leaders with deep roots in Lawrence Township. Conversation [...]
Remembering Victims of Racial Violence: A Response The recent deaths of three African Americans have once again raised concern about racial injustice across the country, including the cities where the deaths occurred. The Reverend [...]
John the Baptist's message is appealing in many ways, because he sees the problem of human failure in black and white, simply pointing out the evil humans are committing and proclaiming their doom unless [...]
Here are some images of the day. Gallery One (Thanks Fabienne M!) [...]
This Sunday, we will welcome special guest Shane Claiborne, who will be preaching at the 10am and the keynote presenter of our mini-conference on faith and justice. There's still time to register for any [...]
Pray with your money? Give first, pray later? Christian leader and author Tony Campolo was once a guest speaker at a mission rally, when he was asked to lead in prayer for a [...]
Breaking the chains November 17, 2019, 10am - 4pm Faith, Justice and Incarceration, with Shane Claiborne A mini-conference on faith and justice Explore what it means to put Christian faith into action with [...]
Would Jesus be packing heat? In this 5th sermon in the 5-part "Faith and Politics" series, Dr. Vamos test drives some of the main concepts explored in the previous sermons to reflect biblically on [...]
As Christians, where does our citizenship ultimately lie? In this second sermon in the series, Dr. Vamos will reflect on the question, "How does our ultimate loyalty to God relate to our patriotism?" Jesus [...]
Where is your citizenship? This is sermon 1 of a 5-part sermon series on Faith and Politics. "Render unto Caesar," seems a simple message about keeping church and state separate. But is Jesus' [...]
by Jeff Vamos According to Matthew, when Jesus sends the disciples out into the world to preach the gospel – they go out two-by-two if you recall, from town to town – he instructs [...]
Politics and the Bible? The Theology of Time? Christian(Grand)parenting? These are some possible topics for Jeff Vamos's sermon series during Lent (Sundays March 10, 17, 24, 31). But he'd like to hear from any [...]
How do human beings really find happiness? And in what does happiness consist? Can you pursue happiness, or does it "ensue" as a byproduct of some other pursuit? Dr. Vamos revisits the questions he [...]
Our leaders are proposing a vision for our congregation that will not be easy to implement. Accomplishing this, however, seems critical if we are to be faithful to Christ's call to our congregation in [...]
Aristotle was a philosopher who wrote a lot about happiness - which he often describes as living a virtuous life. But virtue is often the middle point between two extremes. So for example, courage [...]