2020 Dollar-a-Day Challenge

In a recent letter sent by our Pastor, Dr. Vamos mentioned that if every member of our church would give just an additional $1 a day, we would easily be able to fully fund our ministry this year, and make a great stride toward ongoing sustainability. We’ve trimmed expenses to the bone, and we’re asking you to help us avoid having to make much more painful cuts to program, mission and personnel.

There Are Two Ways to Respond:

Increase your pledge by $366.
One way to meet this challenge is to increase your annual pledge by $366, or any amount. It’s as easy as letting our pledge secretary know that you’d like to increase you pledge.


Give $366 online.
You can also arrange to make a gift of $366 dollars online through our secure database. This can be done in increments over a specific period of time or as a one-time gift.