
Member of the Week 2019

2019-06-25T14:42:13-04:00June 25th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Diane Armington – member since 1965 Diane was born and raised in Buffalo, NY, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in medical laboratory technology at the University of Buffalo and worked for a well-known researcher [...]

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2024-08-30T23:46:16-04:00June 9th, 2019|Highlighted, Sermon Audio, Sermons|

How can you see God? Dr. Vamos offers a very simple answer to that question in this sermon, addressed to our 2019 Confirmation Class. Sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos June 9, 2019. [...]

Fortunate Fault

2024-08-30T23:43:35-04:00March 24th, 2019|Highlighted, Sermon Audio, Sermons|

If failure is a teacher, what does it have to teach us? Biblically, the answer could be understood in one word: trust. Sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Vamos, March 24, 2019. [...]

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