Two Ways to Worship
Two Ways to Worship NEW: there will be two ways that you can participate in our worship livestream on Sunday mornings. Of course, you can participate on Facebook LIVE in the same way you have [...]
Two Ways to Worship NEW: there will be two ways that you can participate in our worship livestream on Sunday mornings. Of course, you can participate on Facebook LIVE in the same way you have [...]
In Case You Missed the Corporation Meeting If you missed our Annual Corporation Meeting on September 20, you'll definitely want to take time to watch these two videos. The first describes "What's Goin' On" at [...]
Returning to In Person Activities at PCOL: An Update No Indoor Services Anytime Soon, but Outdoor Gatherings are Planned As we all know, this is a [...]
Returning to In-Person Activities @ PCOL The task force on returning to in-person activities is seeking your input so that we can better address your needs and concerns as we craft the needed policies [...]
PCOL Highlights | 2019-2020 Highlights from the life of our church over the past year, including accomplishments and goals from our committees. From our Annual Congregation Meeting, June 2020.
Remembering Victims of Racial Violence: A Response The recent deaths of three African Americans have once again raised concern about racial injustice across the country, including the cities where the deaths occurred. The Reverend [...]
Prepare for Pentecost by...baking bread. On Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. We mark this occasion with the celebration of the Lord's Supper–a reminder that [...]
Help us with our Easter video project! Simply create a video with your best "CHRIST IS RISEN!" or "HE IS RISEN INDEED," and click the button below to upload it. We'll stitch it together into [...]
Wave your palm! Share your video! We decided to do something creative with the palms we received this year for Palm Sunday. Please pull up in front of the church (watch the traffic if crossing!), [...]
Already tired of singing 'Happy Birthday'? We're here for you! Try This: Sing One Verse of These Songs: Jesus’ Hands Were Kind Hands Morning Has Broken [...]
Ash Wednesday Lenten Prompts For those of you who participated in our Ash Wednesday service, you can download a copy of the wilderness prompts from the various stations below. Download Here [...]
Summer Sunday Seekers is held each Sunday in July in lieu of typical Sunday School. Children (rising kindergarten-rising 6th grade) begin in worship each Sunday and will exit to their Seeker experience following the Children's [...]
Flat Jesus is back for another summer of adventures! So far this year he's been as near as local playgrounds and the Jersey Shore to as far as Hawaii beaches and the canals of Venice. [...]
Children's Ministries Fundraiser at Amalfi's We have joined with Amalfi’s Restaurant & Bar for a fundraiser. All day, Wednesday May 1st, present the following coupon while ordering and Amalfi’s will make a 15% donation to [...]
Easter Childcare 2019 For the 10:00 a.m. service, childcare for infants and children through age 2 is available in the Nursery (Room 103). Cara Taylor and Olga Rosado, our permanent childcare providers, provide a nurturing, [...]
Keeping College Admissions In Perspective by Wanda Sevey, Director and Instructor for Council for Relationships If you’re a senior in high school or the parent of a senior in high school, the end of [...]
5 STEPS: Helping Children Deal with Loss by Betsy Ie, LCSW, Grief Recovery Specialist Parents and caretakers generally do everything to try and help their children to be happy and successful in life by providing [...]
From Argument to Understanding in 3 Steps By Wanda Sevey, Director and Instructor, Council for Relationships I often share with couples and families that if they practice these 3 steps they will stop [...]