
Sign Up for a Frolic!

2023-10-09T19:55:26-04:00September 20th, 2023|Adult Education, Church, Community Well, Fellowship, Highlighted, News, Uncategorized|

A frolic is an opportunity for fellowship, socialization, and–in some cases–a very unique experience. Frolics are hosted by members of our community for our community. In anticipation of decreased building use while we are under [...]

Join the Lawrenceville Community Chorus!

2023-09-13T12:36:01-04:00August 28th, 2023|Choir, Church, Community Well, Concertsingers, Music, Special Music Events|

Join the Lawrenceville Community Chorus! 2023 Season Rehearsals Begin October 5 Do you like to sing? Learn some of the greatest choral works ever written and sing with a supportive and friendly group, in [...]

Music Sunday with the Community Chorus – May 14

2023-05-11T12:00:45-04:00May 10th, 2023|Choir, Church, Concertsingers, Highlighted, Music, Special Music Events, Traditional Service, Uncategorized, Worship|

Music Sunday with the Community Chorus - May 14 [Click here for downloadable PDF of the following content] On Music Sunday this year we celebrate the 325th Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville.  [...]

325th Anniversary Worship Service – March 19

2023-03-10T10:27:10-05:00March 10th, 2023|Adult Education, Church, Community Well, Highlighted, Uncategorized, Worship|

The deed establishing the founding of the Presbyterian Church of Maidenhead (the original name of the church) is dated March 18, 1698. Join us on the upcoming Sunday closest to that date for a [...]

Lenten Bible Study: “Meeting Jesus at the Table”

2023-01-12T15:12:39-05:00January 11th, 2023|Adult Education, Church, Uncategorized|

“Meeting Jesus at the Table” February 26 - March 26, in the Lounge after Worship The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus sharing meals with disciples, friends, even tax collectors and Pharisees.  Whether [...]

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