Haiti Mission Offering
February is always Haiti Mission Month, when we provide a large portion of the money that our Mission Partner, Pastor Luc Deratus, depends on to run his ministry in Haiti. Please watch for the Moments [...]
February is always Haiti Mission Month, when we provide a large portion of the money that our Mission Partner, Pastor Luc Deratus, depends on to run his ministry in Haiti. Please watch for the Moments [...]
Thank you to all who participated in our recent capital plans focus groups. We had well over 100 participants in those groups, and we have gained a great deal of excellent input. If you haven't [...]
Many joined us for our Town Hall Meeting and focus groups session after worship on January 24 - but if you missed it, it's not too late. There is one final opportunity, Wednesday, February 3, [...]
Last Sunday (January 24) we had a very successful start to our congregational conversation to guide our leaders about our final capital improvement plans. We had about 80 persons join our first "Town Hall [...]
Most of us would say: “I’m not a racist,” but sometimes we hurt others without intending to. Education and experience are two ways to reduce these microaggressions. The Love Thy Neighbor team has compiled [...]
Update from the RIPA (Return to In Person Activities) Advisory Group The season of Advent is often referred to as a time of waiting. There may be no better example of that than our perseverance [...]
Advent 2020 Activities and Events Click here to download a condensed version of this information, with printable calendar. 2020 Advent Devotional – Signs of Advent Hope The Adult Education Committee is excited about this year's [...]
Join the clergy of Lawrence Township for a brief (45 min.) interfaith Thanksgiving service, giving thanks for hope and healing. Please note that, due to rising Covid cases in our area, this service has been [...]
Fall Outdoor Flea Market Saturday, October 24, 2020 | 9am-2pm (rain date Oct. 25, 11am-4pm) The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville 2688 Main St. (Rt. 206), Lawrenceville Come support PCOL missions as you peruse and [...]
Two very special presenters are featured in PCOL’s Adult Education program for October, via zoom. On October 4 and 11, a distinguished professor at Princeton Theological Seminary will help us in “Making Sense of the [...]
Two Very Special Adult Ed Programs will Zoom Your Way in October Two very special presenters are featured in PCOL's Adult Education program for October, via zoom. On October 4 and 11, a distinguished professor [...]
In Case You Missed the Corporation Meeting If you missed our Annual Corporation Meeting on September 20, you'll definitely want to take time to watch these two videos. The first describes "What's Goin' On" at [...]
Please join us for our annual Corporation meeting this Sunday, September 20, from 11am to 12pm. We will receive two exciting video presentations - one an update on our church ministries, and another update on [...]
Watch parties are an opportunity for members of our church family to gather together in an outdoor space to enjoy worship. Masks and social distancing are required. We also suggest that you bring your [...]
Join us for a brief time of fellowship immediately following worship on Zoom. For those already participating in the service via Zoom, you simply need to stay on the call. For those who are coming [...]
Join Pastor Jeff Vamos on Wednesday, September 23rd at 7pm on Zoom for a discussion of the following podcast: Brené with Ibram X. Kendi on How to Be an Antiracist https://brenebrown.com/podcast/brene-with-ibram-x-kendi-on-how-to-be-an-antiracist/ Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86334392773?pwd=UGJZUHhoZW1tTzFwRGhyV2JxQ0d1dz09 [...]