Haiti Task Force Update February 2025
Haiti Task Force Update Many thanks to everyone who has donated to our Haiti Mission Funds. As of February 19, over $10,000 was given during Haiti Mission Month! Pastor Luc is most grateful, and [...]
Haiti Task Force Update Many thanks to everyone who has donated to our Haiti Mission Funds. As of February 19, over $10,000 was given during Haiti Mission Month! Pastor Luc is most grateful, and [...]
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Monday, January 20 at 10am in the Fellowship Center Join us for a morning of service projects and dream sharing. Participants are encouraged to bring non-perishable food [...]
Lawrenceville Presbyterians Potluck Picnic, August 25 Join Slackwood, Lawrenceville, Lawrence Road, and Grace Presbyterian Churches for a potluck picnic Sunday, August 25, noon to 2pm at Slackwood Pres., 2020 US 1, Lawrenceville. Come to [...]
Our Refugee Family Needs Your Help! Our congregation is supporting a family of six who recently moved to the area from Afghanistan. The four children are home for the summer, and, while their dad [...]
Within hours of the devastating fire that swept through Lahaina, the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance program staff was already working to coordinate with emergency relief workers on site to see how best to [...]
Peace and Justice Movie Matinee – Freedom Riders – February 18 From 3 – 5pm in the Lounge, admission is free This month's Peace and Justice Movie Matinee will be on Saturday, February 18 [...]
I Have The Same Dream: Remember Martin Luther King Jr. January 16 | 10a-12p Come and hear members of our community (Diane Wilfrid, Dr. Brandt McCabe, Rev. Dr. William Howard, Dr. Ephraim Isaacs, and [...]
NEEDED: Freezer Meals Are you looking for ways to get involved at the church? Do you like to help others? Do you like to cook? It is often the case that members of our [...]
The latest news from Pastor Luc and from Haiti is discouraging. He reported that the schools continue to be closed - partly in protest against the current government, and partly because there is no [...]
Calling All Volunteers: We Need Your Help! Our annual Fall Faire Market will be on Saturday, October 22 and we need your help the week of the event, as well as, that day. This is [...]
Did you miss the Annual Meeting? That's ok. You can download the Annual Report here and check out the video slideshow celebrate the last year of our life and ministry together. [...]
Join us for our new 11:30 Intergenerational Alternative Worship Service Alive. Creative. Informal. New. Join us for a new worship experience that incorporates a traditional Presbyterian liturgy with new music, excellent preaching, and spiritual development [...]
HomeFront Diaper Challenge Through Mother's Day (May 8th), HomeFront is hosting a drive to collect 500,000+ diapers and wipes to support mothers and babies in our community. There are several ways to donate: you can [...]
A Moment for Mission | Princeton Medical Center Your mission giving helps to provide support, spiritual care, and services to patients, family members, staff, and physicians through PMC’s chaplains, [...]
A Moment for Mission | Ryan & Alethia White Ryan and Alethia White have been serving as PCUSA Mission Partners with the Iranian Presbyterian Church in Berlin, Germany since 2013. While [...]
Arm In Arm | A Moment for Mission Arm In Arm is one of several local mission partners we support here at PCOL. In addition to our normal local mission [...]
Supporting the Work of Pastor Luc and Harmony Ministries in Haiti . For more than 30 years, the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville has been involved in the life and work of Harmony Ministries, based in [...]
YOU'RE INVITED TO CONVERSATION CHURCH | Sunday, October 24 @ 12p So often we sit next to each other, week after week, without truly getting to know one another. And yet, with [...]